Eat Greek for a Week


Eat Greek for a Week

I came across this book whilst watching 'Sunday Brunch' with my mum at the weekend. Tonia Buxton was on the show and cooking some of her recipes, and I instantly fell in love. I've always loved Greece and Greek people but i've always been a bit cautious of the food as i'm quite picky. What struck me most was how passionate Tonia was about her cooking and the recipes in her book. She made a simple chicken and potato dish but it looked so amazing, and simple enough that somebody like me could make at home. I decided to take the plunge and ordered the book.

The Love/Hate Tag


The Love/Hate Tag

I was tagged this morning by the lovely Emma at Carpe Diem Emmie (You can read her blog here- and you should, it's great!) to take part in the Love/Hate Tag. 

I think the Tag is a great idea, and I'm really excited to share my loves and hates with you!

The rules are simple:

Review: Essence Studio Nails- Ultra Strong Nail Hardener


Review: Essence Studio Nails- Ultra Strong Nail Hardener

Do you have weak/flimsy nails?

Are your nails always breaking?

If you answered yes to either of the questions above then Essence Studio Nails- Ultra Strong Nail Hardener is for you!

For the longest time I have had weak nails. They are always splitting and breaking at the slightest of knocks. It's always the way that when i'm really loving the length of my nails- one of them breaks. Without fail.




The idea of journalling has always appealed to me, except i've never made a real go of it. I guess this blog is a sort of a journal for me, to communicate with others, but i'm not great at dealing with my feelings and emotions privately! I'm the kind of person who tends to bottle up my feelings until one day they all come out at once, usually in the form of tears!

'Getting Glam'


'Getting Glam'

Anyone who knows me will tell you that I'm not a 'girlie girl', for a few reasons...

1. I love football

2. My outfits hardly EVER match

3. I can't apply makeup without looking like, well, let's just say it's not pretty

4. I don't really like shopping...

BUT, I'm always talking about how I want to take more pride in my appearance (sorry Starla Says) and how I want to try and make myself feel and look (hopefully) quite pretty. After being taken to a blogging event hosted by Essence by my best friend, and coming home with bags full of make up and other goodies I'm going to try and learn how to apply my own makeup- with the help of some other blogs!




If you're anything like me- the thought of jogging will send fear through your body.

The phrases 'I'm just not a runner' or 'I can't run' were regularly used (both excuses) to avoid going for a run.

After overindulging on the honeymoon and the weeks after, my husband (an avid jogger) was back to his old running ways, and I felt the urge to join him to try and lose some weight. On the way to the forest I had built myself up and was ready to go (I thought we were jogging in the forest) but when my husband told me we were jogging on the road around the forest, fear set in. I was so worried that people would be judging me as I ran, that one my favourite phrases were put to good use- 'I can't do it.' After some words of encouragement from Simon I was ready to go! 

Finding my place...


Finding my place...

For the longest time I felt like I didn't know where my life was heading. I have had a surprising amount of jobs, but I knew none of them were the right job. I felt like I had very few true friends. Yes- there are people in my life who I thought were friends, but when I got married (yay) I realised that many of them aren't real friends.