'Getting Glam'

08:11 2 Comments A+ a-

Anyone who knows me will tell you that I'm not a 'girlie girl', for a few reasons...

1. I love football
2. My outfits hardly EVER match
3. I can't apply makeup without looking like, well, let's just say it's not pretty
4. I don't really like shopping...

BUT, I'm always talking about how I want to take more pride in my appearance (sorry Starla Says) and how I want to try and make myself feel and look (hopefully) quite pretty. After being taken to a blogging event hosted by Essence by my best friend, and coming home with bags full of make up and other goodies I'm going to try and learn how to apply my own makeup- with the help of some other blogs!

I'll be posting some before and after photos as I try out some new techniques and products, and posting some reviews from the viewpoint of a total newbie to all things makeup!

Do you have any tips for me, or can you recommend any blogs that will help with my mission?

A xo


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18 August 2015 at 07:41 delete

Hey, I saw your comment on my Instagram and thought I'd head over to your blog to see what your about. Go to my YouTube channel to pick up some make up tips, let me know how you get on :-) xx

Amy Mills
18 August 2015 at 11:55 delete

Hey! Thanks for visiting- what's your verdict so far? :)
I will definitely be visiting your YouTube channel for some tips- I'll be sure to let you know how I get on! xx
